Page name: Kura's Color Contest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-03-06 00:03:13
Last author: Morningstar Rising
Owner: Kuramasgirl
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Kura's Color Contest


Let's see if we can start this contest up again. Not much has changed, but I think the hiatus has lasted long enough, don't you? Anyway, for those who are new, the whole idea of this contest is to create something according to a specific color that I will choose. Could be anything. Yellow, violet, aquamarine, lilac, crimson, black, etc. Anyway, it'll be some sort of color. Now for your part of the bargain. You have to draw or take a picture of something that is all or mostly that color. But remember, that color must be the focus of your art, whatever it may be. Oh, and make sure to read through all the rules and stuff carefully. Wouldn't want something lovely to be disqualified for a stupid reason, now would we?

So have fun! Get creative! And for goodness' sakes, follow these rules!:

1.) Do NOT steal artwork and then claim it as your own, putting it on this contest. You will be kicked out.
2.) Follow the Uploading Art Rules. It's just as simple as that.
3.) Follow the THEME of the contest. Anything that doesn't pertain to the contest will be disqualified.
4.) I will post the color of the month (or whatever time it takes to get enough entries) below this in big bold letters. If you can't see it, then I suggest an optometrist. :P
5.) There's a limit of three entries per person on any particular color.
6.) Please don't put "Vote for me!" in your mood. That irritates me a great deal, and you really do not want to irritate me. Read the next rule to find out why.
7.) There will be two winners: A People's Choice Winner and an Owner's Choice Winner. The People's Choice Winner is the entry that won the poll. An Owner's Choice Winner is the entry that I like best. Each person will receive a badge, which I have shown below the rules.
8.) Post your username and any other comment you'd like to make above your picture.
9.) Have fun! I don't want to make this too serious, because that would completely defeat my purpose ^_^;
10.) Click on the images to make them bigger and see them in all their amazingness!
11.) It is all right to have photographs, but make sure that they are not just colored over with the color of the contest. Any photo that's been colored in Photoshop or another art program so that it's the right color will be deleted.
12.) Questions? Ask me! I'm [Kuramasgirl] <3

Colors that have been used: blue, red, green, black, purple, orange, pink, yellow and grey, russet, white, teal, purple and green, gold, pearl, ROYGB(I)V, lavender, and turquoise.

To see a complete archive of all of the previous contest entries, go to The Contest's Color Archives!

The Color:


Deadline- Undetermined

Place entries below:

1. Escape from the silver cage- [Zab]


2. Silver In The Stardust - [Nioniel]

Silver In The Stardust Stock INFO

3. Black Silver Dapple Makes A Splash - [Nioniel]


4. Silver Lemurs - [pegasus1000]


5. Aodh To Silver - [moira hawthorne]


6.A Mixture Of Silver - [Morningstar Rising]



This page was a Featured Wiki!

Username (or number or email):


2008-05-26 [Kuramasgirl]: Ooh, you're right. :o We haven't done white...

2008-05-27 [Jitter]: oooh do white! I have done a perfect picture recently!

2008-05-27 [Artemis Management]: I'm excited. I think white's a great idea.

2008-05-28 [Kuramasgirl]: I like white too. :D White it'll be, then.

2008-05-28 [Zab]: ..I'm so gonna take a photo of a white car..

2008-05-28 [Kuramasgirl]: :| Zab. I will scream if you do that. Scream very loud. And then pitch a fit. Then cry. And then slap you. :|

2008-05-28 [Zab]: neighbour has a white car..>D


2008-05-28 [Zab]: well..the color is white..

2008-05-28 [Cia_mar]: lol

2008-05-28 [Kuramasgirl]: :| You would have to make the picture so amazingly, outstandingly artistic and beautiful if you took a picture of that damn car.
And somehow I doubt this is possible. xD So just do something else instead before I go insane.

2008-05-28 [Cia_mar]: lets see... sit a white cat on the hood of the car.. adn then stand a white horse next to it... oh and a pale model of woman who never sees the sunlight sits on the horse... i think that would be good.. dont forget to have her holding white flowers

2008-05-28 [Zab]: XD nah..

2008-05-28 [Kuramasgirl]: XD! Now see? Cia knows how to make a white car interesting. Sheesh.

2008-05-28 [Cia_mar]: lol

2008-05-28 [Zab]: but then the focus won't be on the car:P besides I don't have a white cat..maybe a sheep..

2008-05-28 [Triola]: Car and sheep. I say go for it, how can this possibly go wrong? :P

2008-05-28 [Zab]: XD but..I have to actually get the car and the sheep..XD

2008-05-28 [Zab]: Nice one Jitter:)

2008-05-28 [Zab]: this round started? Because the page is only editable by you..

2008-05-28 [Artemis Management]: Wow. Amazing, Zab.

2008-05-29 [Zab]: I'll change it..I just have to get time.. x_X Tjis weekend is awful with work..

2008-05-29 [Artemis Management]: I know that feeling.

2008-05-29 [Zab]: heh.. I work 15 ours per day (nightshift) on friday-saturday, saturday-sunday, sunday-monday and tuesday-wednesday. And today I've worked 10 hours dayshift. >___> And I'm having a half-time job..O__o;

2008-05-30 [Kuramasgirl]: Zab, I personally love your entry. I should just award the prize now. :|
I understand, and I know you'll change it. xD

2008-05-30 [Kuramasgirl]: You know, it's sad, because I had promised myself to change the setting of the page to freely editable and exported, and I just completely forgot. T_T My mind is so unreliable.

2008-05-30 [Jitter]: this round started? Because the page is only editable by you.

Meh. Put the blame on the wiki privs xD Sorry!

ps- Thanks Zab ;)

2008-05-30 [Zab]: XD no prob Jitter, I didn't notice untill it was too late either..XD

Aw, Kura:P Too much to think about? xD entry beats yours anytime-..XD

2008-05-30 [Iske]: It always does [Zab] so don't worry
(not the nicest thing to say tho..)
I'm just here for the fun of it
SO no need to worry of me being a direct rival

2008-05-30 [Zab]: *lmao* I'm just kidding :P

2008-05-31 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Why do I have the feeling there are going to be a lot of entries? You people crack me up sometimes...

And Triola, I think your entry is absolutely beautiful and perfect for this color. :) Don't worry about it.

2008-05-31 [blu.nation]: polar bear in a snowstorm, anyone? w00t x)

2008-05-31 [Triola]: Thank yous! ^.^

2008-05-31 [Zab]: Changed it :P I'll make a white car too..XD

2008-05-31 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Oy...

I was surprised there wasn't a polar bear in a snowstorm yet, actually. o_O It seemed like every other animals was in one but them. xD

2008-06-01 [Zab]: XD

2008-06-02 [Mom]: I think I will enter...I am working on my Navajo White fairy now so she should fit.

2008-06-02 [Atayemi]: Oooo Mom! Beautiful!!!! <3333333

2008-06-02 [Kuramasgirl]: You people are so amazing. I just want to tell you that. These entries are absolutely beautiful. :)

2008-06-03 [Iske]: cool one [Mom]

2008-06-03 [Mom]: Thank you [Atayemi] and [Iske]...=}

2008-06-03 [Zab]: Hehe, good one Iske:P
(and the rest here..)

2008-06-03 [Artemis Management]: Is it bad that mine will have nothing to do with snow?

2008-06-03 [Jitter]: Iske that's a cute one!

2008-06-03 [Iske]: thx [Jitter] and [Zab]
No [Artemis Management] only when most ppl think of white they think snow...

2008-06-03 [Lady Ice]: ew, Zab, that horse scares me.

2008-06-03 [Artemis Management]: The sad thing is, I'm from Southern Texas. I don't know what snow is. *pouts*

2008-06-03 [Cia_mar]: nice one iske...cute!

2008-06-04 [Cia_mar]: i like the white hawthorne flowers moira!

2008-06-04 [moira hawthorne]: thx ... my tree is litterally covered this year!

2008-06-04 [Cia_mar]: the fairies must be happyabout that!!! lol

2008-06-04 [moira hawthorne]: I believe they are... since my art block broke

2008-06-04 [Cia_mar]: always good when those break!!!!
i know the frustration on one myself... sometimes i just have to play with things that are a little less me and then i find it again though... then i get back to what i needed to finish or work on when the block came in the first place! lol

2008-06-04 [Lady Ice]: I dont know why I even try anymore.... you guys are all so much better than I am.

2008-06-04 [moira hawthorne]: well for one reason... if you dont try you wouldnt get better... and two... there will always be someone better... there are way more people better than any of us here... three ... the only person you are really competing against is yourself

2008-06-04 [Cia_mar]: well there i finally got someting to enter in one of your contests! lol been a while Kura
but glad i did!!!!

2008-06-04 [Zab]: Lady Ice: He's more scared of you than you are of him :O

2008-06-04 [moira hawthorne]: coool art Cia!

2008-06-05 [Cia_mar]: thank you moira!

2008-06-05 [moira hawthorne]: Ive seen about 1/2 dozen faces/creatures so far

2008-06-05 [Cia_mar]: it is nifty how they hide

i could give warshak a run for his money with this one i think! lol

2008-06-05 [moira hawthorne]: remind me of a midsummer night dream

2008-06-05 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Artemis, I live in Florida. I have no snow either, so don't worry about it.
Beautiful entries, guys. :)
I'll just go back underground to studying now, I suppose. xD See you all soon.

2008-06-06 [Kahri]: hey [Atayemi], that looks like the weather at my house in April. lol. It's pretty!

2008-06-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: Bwahahaa these entries are fantastic XD

2008-06-06 [Atayemi]: Snow? In April? O___o Wowza!

2008-06-07 [Kahri]: yeah, we had about 3 blizzards in April this year, all within 2 weeks.

2008-06-07 [Iske]: We had a snowy easter this year, 15 cm of snow at the end of march

2008-06-07 [Atayemi]: Yep yep, we had snow on my birthday here in Wales on 23rd March. :P

2008-06-07 [Mom]: It's been 95 degrees and up the last week here in North Florida. I would kill for a 60...<img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2008-06-07 [Aradon Templar]: What's this 'snow' thing you all refer to? I've heard it's white.

2008-06-07 [Atayemi]: We're just talking about snow, that's all. Since snow is white.

2008-06-07 [Aradon Templar]: So I've heard :D

2008-06-07 [Kuramasgirl]: It's up in the 90s in Central Florida too. T_T Heck, an 80 would be better than this.
Oh, and school's out for the summer. :3

2008-06-07 [arthemis_]: You don't get any snow where you live Aradon? You need to experience it once. Make an actual snowman or snowangel :D Feel the cold and wet on your skin and drink chocolat with marsmellows later :D Snow.... Nah, first the summer :P

2008-06-08 [Kahri]: I would love for a few days of 90 degree weather just so it can warm the lake up to about 70 so I can go swimming without getting hypothermia

2008-06-08 [Kuramasgirl]: I wouldn't swim in our lakes. ._. You'd either get some sort of horrible disease, or eaten by an alligator. Take your pick.

2008-06-09 [moira hawthorne]: I chooose alligator please!

2008-06-09 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Have fun with that.

2008-06-09 [moira hawthorne]: short and painful rather than very painful long drawn out and expensive.... but really Id prefer to be a grouchy old pervert of an expensive old age home with sexy male nurses to abuse! and die peaceful in my sleep one night due to a sudden drug OD

2008-06-09 [Kahri]: Our lake is pretty clean, and we definitely do not have any alligators or anything. *laughs* We might have the occasional large snapping turtle but they don't really like to be around people.

2008-06-09 [moira hawthorne]: plus they are goood eats if they do!

2008-06-11 [moira hawthorne]: IS there a debate about toilet paper!?!?

2008-06-11 [Artemis Management]: Yes. A friend of mine asked which side was the front, which was the back. His wife disagrees. I was proving the point. :P

2008-06-11 [Kuramasgirl]: Artemis, I think you're my hero now. :|

2008-06-11 [Artemis Management]: *blushes and giggles* It was white. I thought..."Holy's PERFECT!"

2008-06-11 [arthemis_]: Lol, I would love to hear the arguments of that debate.

2008-06-11 [Artemis Management]: It was rather nasty, actually. They called me at 2:00 in the morning about the situation. So, I get out of bed to see what they want. Well, they get on webcam and ask which side is which. I sided with my friend, Kyle, in saying that the part that unrolls is the front. His wife made him sleep on the couch for a week.

2008-06-11 [arthemis_]: <img:stuff/mood16-gif.gif> That's completely nuts. An argument about something this stupid at 2 in the freaking morning? OMG <img:44166_1164145253.gif> The last drop in an already full bucket?

2008-06-11 [Artemis Management]: That's what I said. One of those major >.< cases.

2008-06-11 [moira hawthorne]: LOL

2008-06-12 [arthemis_]: Tadaa!! My entry is up :D Hope it's white enough for this contest :)

2008-07-07 [Coffeecontrolsme]: hahaha awesome, this is the first time ive seen something done about the colour white

2008-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: I think we've lost comments...Like a lot of them. o_O; Wait, we did. Or maybe it's just me. Or I'm crazy...

And thank you Coffecontrolsme. :3 We do this contest about all sorts of colors, really.

2008-07-07 [Jitter]: Yes. 1 month's worth of diaries, wiki comments and guestbook notes was lost. It's on the news.

2008-07-07 [Atayemi]: 22:18:22 Jitter: Yes. 1 month's worth of diaries, wiki comments and guestbook notes was lost. It's on the news.

Lmao I'm such a dopey bugger. I thought you meant the worldwide news like on television and newspapers. I was like *O______O* XD *is stupid*

2008-07-07 [Jitter]: LOL :P

2008-07-07 [Kuramasgirl]: XD -decided not to read for once-
Dammet...That's really irritating, to say the least...

2008-07-21 [Kuramasgirl]: Congrats to the winners. :3

2008-07-21 [Mom]: Thanks Kura...because you chose me I feel extra special.

2008-07-21 [Kuramasgirl]: :D You're most welcome. And you should, because you did a wonderful job and truly deserved it.

2008-07-21 [Zab]: Congrats! ^__^

2008-07-22 [arthemis_]: Congratulations :D

2008-07-22 [Future Dictator]: good job ppls

2008-07-22 [Mallagan]: congratulations to the winners =)

2008-07-22 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: oo:
oooh anticipation as we wait for the next color, nein?

2008-07-22 [Kuramasgirl]: Ja. >_> Anyone have some ideas?

2008-07-22 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: [[: Teal or Peach?

2008-07-22 [Future Dictator]: highlighter yellow :)

2008-07-22 [Cia_mar]: congrats to the winners!

2008-07-23 [arthemis_]: I suggest this page for idea's on new colours: Name a colour contest

2008-07-25 [Iske]: thx 

2008-07-25 [moira hawthorne]: WAIS HAIL to [Iske] & [Mom]

2008-07-25 [Mom]: Thank you...There were so many great entries this win was truly a surprise.

2008-07-25 [arthemis_]: You deserved it [Mom] yours was truly fantastic!

2008-07-25 [Mom]: Thank you...but your's was also.=}

2008-08-03 [Lady Ice]: can someone message me when we get the new color? I have dial up internet now and it takes forever to load, so it would be easier if I dont have to look at more pages than necessary. thanks

2008-08-03 [Kuramasgirl]: Hello hello! >_> Sorry about the long absence. Somehow I managed to forget to tell you all I was going to Kentucky for a week...Hm...Anyway. I'm back now, and I see that..not much has happened. xD You all are so good...

At the moment the color choices are highlighter yellow (o_o), teal, or peach. I'm going to pick very soon, because I feel like these have been up here long enough by now, don't you? If you have any other suggestions or votes or whatnot, tell me now or forever hold your peace. :)

2008-08-03 [Future Dictator]: highlighter highlighter highlighter!!!!
hehehe >:)

2008-08-04 [Feasting on Needles]: highlighter! If you do peach, I bet money that half the submissions will be peaches of some sort. So if that's the color you go with, ban peaches. :p

2008-08-04 [Kuramasgirl]: XD I'm not particularly fond of peach color in general, so I wasn't really planning on it...That's two for highlighter, though. O_o; Anyone have any objection to that color? I mean...It might make you go blind at some point. >_>

2008-08-04 [Morningstar Rising]: love teal, not to sure on what highlighter yellow would look like. Peach is okay, there are lots of things one can do with peach, a wall, a chair, peach hair. LOL but it is a hard color too. What ever you decide is cool, and congrats to the winners. 

2008-08-04 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: -raises hand again- Teal [[:
XD -favorite color-

2008-08-04 [Cia_mar]: i love teal too!

2008-08-04 [Atayemi]: I vote teal too. :3

2008-08-04 [Kuramasgirl]: I like teal myself. xD That's an unfair advantage, though. I'll decide tomorrow, so throw in your 2-cents worth if you don't like these two colors. I'm leaning towards teal, so change my mind if you'd rather it be something else (or highlighter yellow...).

2008-08-04 [Mom]: Teal is pretty...

2008-08-05 [BlackDragon]: .. am I blind or something... where do I find all entries? =S

2008-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: This particular session of the contest is over, and so the entries have been taken off. What you see here are the winners to the previous edition, which was for the color white. By tomorrow you should start seeing new color entries, if I manage to get it ready and we actually decide on a color in time. :) Don't worry, you're not blind, I assure you.

However, if you're looking for previous entries, you can always try searching through the previous versions of this page. The pictures will be worth it, but you'll need a bit of patience to get there, I think.

2008-08-05 [Morningstar Rising]: But lots of fun to look at. All the ideas that ppl come up with for the colors are worth the time and effort. 

2008-08-05 [BlackDragon]: ah, I see.. Thanks. I'll go through that pain. Really would like to see what else people came up with.. great idea for a contest btw.. =)

2008-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you so much. :) And I'm glad you want to get to know it better! That's what it's here for.

2008-08-05 [Aradon Templar]: Well, teal is indeed a great color, but I don't have any idea of an entry for it, and then I'd miss a chance to enter in the teal contest :( But teal seems to be the popular choice, and I don't think I'll have an entry any other time either :P

2008-08-05 [Cia_mar]: anything can be teal!

2008-08-05 [Iske]: teal green  or teal blue

2008-08-05 [arthemis_]: What's teal? *looks it up in the dictionary* *looks it up in another dictionary* *looks it up in wikipedia* Ahh, found it :D I would like teal green or highlighter yellow! Don't like peaches...

2008-08-05 [moira hawthorne]: we could use colours suggestions from Name a colour contest

2008-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: o_o; These comments are becoming more and more confusing...Teal. Let's see... has it at the bottom of the page along with a list of other bluish colors. If someone would like to choose a color out of the Name a colour contest, feel free. I'm ever so slightly irritated at the moment and just a bit perplexed as to why we're having so much difficulty in deciding a color. I'm choosing teal by the end of today if nothing else gets as much support.
And don't worry, the irritation is largely due to something about my horse's welfare, not this. I apologize for my short-temper at the moment.

2008-08-05 [Mom]: I hope your horse feels better...

2008-08-06 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you so much, Mom. I'm sure he'll be fine...eventually. It's just a matter of waiting.

2008-08-06 [moira hawthorne]: teal is fine by me.. just thought you might like to watch the other wiki for unique colour ideas... hope your horse is better soon!

2008-08-06 [Kuramasgirl]: I think I'll just go ahead and put teal up, then. Thank you for the suggestion, though, Moira. :) I'll use it for further contests, probably.
And thanks about my horse too.

2008-08-06 [Future Dictator]: oooo brainstorm time!

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: [[: You make me a very happy panda XD
Now to get over this whole strep thing I'm totally going to go off and figure something out.

2008-08-06 [Iske]: are we talking about the teal ... green...?

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: XD Just.. Teal. I think.

2008-08-06 [Iske]: I looked it up and there was teal green and teal blue

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: There is also just a straight teal XD

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: 008080? It's a blue-greeny color [[:

2008-08-06 [Iske]: it is.... a bit more blueish than the Elftown green

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: XD.. much more bluish.

2008-08-06 [Iske]: know what , let us just call it TEAL hehehehe

2008-08-06 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: ... XD the original plan works wonders, aye?

2008-08-06 [Iske]: yup...

2008-08-06 [arthemis_]: Maybe I should have an entry with both teal green and teal blue and call it a draw :-p Hope your horse is better soon!
(complementairy colour of teal is coral pink --> pretty :D)

2008-08-06 [Kuramasgirl]: Oh my God I don't know whether to laugh myself out of my chair or stare blankly at the screen. :|

The color is teal.

I don't really care if it's blue teal or green teal. I want teal. Choose whichever one of those you like. Teal teal teal teal. Get it? Got it? Good.

2008-08-06 [Kuramasgirl]: And just to tell you, I've already decided the color after this. xD I'll tell you when we get there.

2008-08-07 [arthemis_]: lol, you rock [Kuramasgirl]! Teal is pretty :D *still trying to find out what exactly to do with it* I will absolutely compete! *hehe*

2008-08-07 [Zab]: ''Teal'c''.. x) I have no idea what colour that is..O_o blue?

2008-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Oh boy....Get the Stargate off your mind.

Follow those links, Zab. I know you can do it. xD

And thanks, arthemis. :3 Can't wait for your entry.

2008-08-07 [Zab]: links!? :O they be deadly..

2008-08-07 [arthemis_]: It's going to be fabulous... I think :-p I want something fabulous with lots of hair and stuff. You choose, male or female? :D

2008-08-07 [moira hawthorne]: male...

2008-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: XD Fabulous male? Sure, go ahead.

2008-08-07 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: Brr. The colors are more dark in mine, buuut. Oh well.
XD They were both wearing teal/blue-teal shirts and the train was blue-teal o:

2008-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: Your entry fits with the contest, Rainbow. :3

2008-08-08 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: [: ohkay thanks :D

2008-08-08 [arthemis_]: Male it is :D And [Rainbow Dragonflies] I like your entry!

2008-08-08 [Rainbow Dragonflies]: [x thank you!
I can't wait to see yours o:

2008-08-08 [Artemis Management]: Woot! I actually did something other than photos for this colour! I'm so proud. Lol. Do the colors look too light?

2008-08-08 [Kuramasgirl]: No, you did a beautiful job on your entries, Artemis! o.o I've only seen your photography. You surprised me. xD

2008-08-08 [Artemis Management]: *squeaks* Horray!

2008-08-09 [Anvikit]: Very nice [Artemis Management] what medium is that? .. And do you have a gallery somewhere?

2008-08-09 [Artemis Management]: Well, I drew the actual sketches. Then scanned. I used some layers in photoshop to give the wood look to the background. Then, colored.

2008-08-09 [Artemis Management]: Oh, and, working on the gallery.

2008-08-10 [Iske]: [arthemis_] great one

2008-08-10 [arthemis_]: Thanks [Iske]!

2008-08-14 [Anvikit]: Hey [Artemis Management] have you heard of an artist named Audrey Kawasaki ? I knew that style looked familiar!! There is a whole expose of her art in one of my Juxtapoz mags... She works on real wood using oil paint and graphite.. Her website is here ... I'm especially interested in what she has in her shop.. Art Theft anyone?

2008-08-14 [Atayemi]: Oh dear, oh dear.

2008-08-14 [Yuriona]: Images removed.

2008-08-14 [Anvikit]: Thank you Yuri :)

2008-08-14 [Yuriona]: You're welcome. =)

2008-08-14 [Kuramasgirl]: This is what I get for being out and about all day...

Thank you, [Anvikit], for handling this.

I hate to do this, but I think this leaves me little choice but to ban [Artemis Management] from further competitions. Unless you all think she deserves a warning or suspension instead? I don't know whether I'd be able to trust more of her works, is the problem.

2008-08-15 [arthemis_]: wow...
I hope you don't mix up my name with [Artemis Management]... That's just silly, why would anyone trying to win a contest with stolen material? What's the honor in that?

2008-08-15 [moira hawthorne]: havent a clue...
why do people enter images made entirely from other people's photo stock in art contests as their own original art?
why do people fart beside you and than walk away?

2008-08-15 [AuroraLumos]: lol

2008-08-15 [Kuramasgirl]: Arthemis, don't worry. xD I won't mix up your name, I promise.

2008-08-15 [Zab]: But using stockphotos still makes you do something with them, that the photographer or other people might not be able too with the same stock. (taking credit for the photos would be bad tho)

Anyway, back to the topic...stealing art and claim it's your own is hardly a KNOW it's not yours when you's not like using an old drawing/photo and colour it in PS to make it fit the theme, that might be bacause you didn't read the rules and that could give a warning. but everyone know what they do when they steal, so why give a warning? I'd ban immediatly.

2008-08-15 [Kuramasgirl]: I just did, so no more worries there, hopefully. I just needed to think a bit on it. Not used to dealing with such things, y'know. xD This contest has been doing so well for so long, it came as a bit of a shock.

2008-08-17 [arthemis_]: I think it's bound to happen on every contest. So no worries [Kurumasgirl].

2008-08-18 [Cia_mar]: cute badges!!!

2008-08-18 [Kuramasgirl]: Thank you! :D

2008-08-18 [moira hawthorne]: birdie!

2008-08-18 [Iske]: that's a cute one [MisLuck]

2008-08-18 [moira hawthorne]: very cute pony tho i would soften and tone down the purple in the background as its intense colour attracts the eye...

2008-08-18 [MisLuck]: Thank you [Iske] <3
Background looks suprisingly dark now with laptop, but have to trust my better screen more, it was much fainter with it. Perhaps I'll find a better colour for it after I get better, too sick to think now. =)

2008-08-18 [AuroraLumos]: I have nothing teal :( how sad... I can't think of anything teal and interesting to do >.<
I shall try to find something! (btw [Rainbow Dragonflies] I love yours it rocks ^_^, all of them are really good ^_^)

2008-08-19 [MisLuck]: The brownish and this colour has been very difficult. (Also 'cause I had no idea what the colour is from the name xD We have different name for it) But it's challenging. I have been trying to think about a photograph teal, and it's hard.

2008-08-19 [Anvikit]: .. just happened to find this site recently.. and given the attempted art theft not too long ago, I just thought I'd post it here.. [Artemis Management] 's pictures seemed very suspicious to me right from the start, but you can't accuse someone without proof, and often with images that are vague in nature, it's hard to search for them on the web... I got lucky and found the real artist in one of my mags, but this tineye thing actually searches images pixels to match them! It doesn't have too large a database yet but it's genius! Okay gonna go play around now Have fun.. Oh and um.. I'm making something for this contest, wish me luck getting him done in time ;) if not I'll just post later :D

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